This section show some of the more advanced hidden features in Led Departure Board
Auto Accept CookiesIf you are trying to show the website on a custom signage board, or embedded frame, then you may find the cookies banner keeps popping up. To get rid of this you can add the extra acceptCookies parameter to the url.
Or if you already are using a parameter then use & instead
Filter to stations a service will pass throughSometimes you may only want to see departures that are going to a paticular place. E.g only want to see departures from Edinburgh that go through Birmingham New Steet.
To do this you can add a to filter on the url. E.g
This can also be used with all the different boards and urls. Here's a list of possible combinations:
- /EDB/to/BHM - Normal to station filtering
- /EDB/to/BHM/12 - Display count on the end
- /singleboard/EDB/to/BHM/12 - Singleboard with to station filtering
- /arrivals/EDB/to/BHM - To Station filtering on arrivals
- /singleboard/arrivals/EDB/to/BHM - Singleboard To Station filtering on arrivals